Adding a little chaos

Our elevator has a placard in which the management often puts sheets of printer paper with announcements. On one elevator trip, I noticed it was empty. Yesterday, somebody put this into the empty place:

Sadly, it was gone before the day was out. Either someone hadn’t seen The Princess Bride and was concerned it was an actual threat, or someone took it home to hang on their wall. I hope it was the latter.

Today, I was thinking about getting a few friends to dress up as Waldo with me and walk around in the middle of some large crowd in DC. Points would be awarded as follows:

  1. One point for a smile
  2. Two points for a laugh
  3. Three points for a point
  4. Four points for a picture
  5. Five points for every bystander who says, “There’s Waldo!”

Sometimes, a little chaos can be a good thing.

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