Category: Art Theory
This just in from Viktor Shklovsky
“And so, in order to return the sensation of life, to feel things, to make the stone stony, there exists what we call art. Art’s purpose is to give us the sensation of a thing as seeing rather than as recognizing; art’s device is a device for the ‘estrangement’ of things, a device of complicated…
____ art reveals ____ truth in a ____ way.
“But is it art?” Now there’s a frustrating question. Yes! No! I have no idea! When’s lunch? As you walk through a gallery, the question, “What makes this art?” can suggest fifty answers, few of them particularly good. Instead, let me suggest a more specific kind of question, which I think many people are trying…
“Accidental” “art”
This isn’t accidental and it isn’t art. I arranged all those squares (the white ones) and made copies (the blue ones) as part of a project here at work. Then, going back, I noticed that there was a really interesting energy and saved it, flipped the white upside down to create a kind of reflection…
Explaining cubism with doodles
Here’s the best possible explanation of cubism I can offer. It’s looking at a subject (in this case, Picasso’s Guitar Player) through time, and from multiple directions. I’ve just picked out one or two of the things to look at in this painting… I’ll bet you can find lots more. (Hint: imagine you’re walking around…
Design style
I don’t have a style, per se. I’ve heard that it’s bad to be too locked into a style, but without knowing what I do best, I feel compelled to start from scratch every time. I think I’m starting to see that a style isn’t a finishing line … it’s a starting point of assumptions…