Category: Branding
T-Platforms identity
You’ve seen this kind of thing before on this blog, and that’s because I can’t get enough of these “infinite but instantly recognizable variant” logos. This T-Platform logo is perfect for a technology company, and just beautiful in general.
Silverdome — Logo & Identity for entertainment media group
Silverdome (aka Silver Dome Media) is an independent collaborative and extemporaneous comedy group based in the suburbs of DC. Since the 90’s they’ve been creating unique and delightful old-fashioned radio plays.
National Maritime Museum rebrand
I have to say, I kind of love this rebrand of the National Maritime Museum, as featured on one of my very favorite blogs. I’m a sucker for identities that challenge the conception of what a logo is/does.
Tapestry of Graceâ„¢ — Logo & Identity for homeschool curriculum
The award-winning curriculum Tapestry of Graceâ„¢ is renowned for its multilevel, integrated, and flexible structure. This logo system seeks to embody that structure, as well as make full use of the strong color scheme, without being dependent on color to reflect the symbol’s message.
The Restaurant Gallery — Logo & Identity for art awareness venture
Designed for a personal project to raise art education and awareness, the Restaurant Gallery is an online venture seeking to promote dialogue about and enjoyment of the fine arts for those who might otherwise consider it outside of their comfort zone.