Category: Design
This Post Included
I don’t mean that in a melancholy way. I mean that maybe next time, before I blog/tweet/status update, I should consider who among those I know would actually care, and tell them personally. If the answer is “No one,” maybe I should ask someone else how they’re doing instead.
I’d like to live deeply
I don’t mean boring, self-absorbed, or morose. I just mean deep. Worthwhile or meaningful might also be good words. (Click the picture to view bigger. PC: The amazing
Blocked-in text
I’m highly enamored of this whole “solid blocks behind text” look. I love how it adds strong color to the design, and makes the text relate to — but not completely integrate with — the image. It’s very tense and active. And I love how it can be bold and clean (The Robber) or hand-made…