Category: Film and Video
Bad branding cost Disney $200m on “John Carter”
CNN just reported on Disney’s bad egg, John Carter, which cost $300 million to make and has only returned a third of that to the studio, costing Disney $200 million. Andrew Stanton, the very talented director of not only John Carter but also Finding Nemo and Wall-E, has got to be feeling pretty low right…
Branding is “First Followership”
SwissMiss shared this great, brief TEDtalk which is worth watching for the Shirtless Dancing Guy alone: The inspiring thing here, branding-wise, is that “first follower-ship” is what branding is all about. A brand designer’s role is to “transform a lone nut into a leader,” by catching the vision and making it appealing by embracing it…
If the 3 Little Pigs were a modern news story…
Nice work, The Guardian. (Hat tip to Creative Review for the recommendation.)
Midnight in Paris is up for best picture!
I know what I’m rooting for. Also, other items of interest from the just-announced Oscar noms: Meryl Streep is up for best actress in Iron Lady (duh) So is Viola Davis, for The Help Jonah Hill is up for best supporting actor for Moneyball … never thought I’d type “Jonah Hill” and “Best supporting actor”…
Master plan for winning the heart of a Twilight-reading woman
If my wife were into Twilight, here’s how I would make her swoon: Stand at the foot of her bed every night and watch her while she sleeps. Get craft glue and glitter, and rub both all over my chest. Never, ever, ever, ever, EVER wash or brush my hair. Go on a strictly all-venison…