I’d love your suggestions on how to improve my site

Hi there. If you’re reading this, cheers to you! This site began as a mere catalog of stuff I like and is becoming something a little bit more, thanks to growing readership and some things I’m learning on the professional side of life.

Here are some ideas I have to improve my site. I’d love to hear which of these sound like good ideas to you, or really bad ideas, or if you have any other suggestions outside of what I’m already considering. If you can take thirty seconds to make your voice heard in the comments, I’d appreciate it hugely.

My ideas so far:

  1. Focus more on some things (design? branding? music? movies? What do you want to hear more about?)
  2. Focus less on other things (what do you hate when I get into? What do you never read?)
  3. Write more full reviews (of movies, music, etc)
  4. Post more original art
  5. Add a list of suggested resources (for various categories, like design, drawing, etc., with links to Amazon)
  6. Add a small, tastefully-placed ad block (so that I can fund things like contests and give-aways)
  7. Offer prints of my work for sale (would anyone buy any of ’em? Would you? What would you pay for one of my sketches?)
  8. Link to other people whose blogs I love
  9. Have more regular features (and less total randomness in how/when/what/why I post)
  10. Add a regular feature of interviews with other creatives and/or guest posts from bloggers I love
  11. Never ever change, keep that breathless charm, because I’m lovely just the way I am
  12. Other

If you can take a second to give me your feedback, I’ll send you a chocolate cookie through the internet just as soon as I can cram one into my CD drive. Wait, does my computer even have a CD drive?

Yes. Yes it does. So post your thoughts, and if I can fit a cookie in there, I’ll email it to you.


7 responses to “I’d love your suggestions on how to improve my site”

  1. 1. I’d say focus more on design and branding because that’s what I like the most.
    2. But I think you should still post about other things, too. I like things a bit eclectic.
    3. I probably don’t have time to read these but if it’s enjoyable for you, by all means do it.
    4. Yes. I love seeing your art and design.
    5. This would be really cool and helpful!
    6. Fine by me.
    7. I probably wouldn’t buy them because I don’t have a place to put them, but I think it’s a great idea.
    8. Fine idea. But I wouldn’t cut down on the amount of original content you post on your blog.
    9. To be honest, I kind of like the total randomness so far as the schedule and topics go.
    10. But I’d enjoy some interview or guest posts in the mix of randomness.
    11/12. Other ideas: I’d love it if you posted your about your own journey as a designer, advice to young designers and writers, and more philosophical thoughts about design and communication.

    But I love your blog!

  2. From a artistic layperson’s POV…

    2. A lot that you focus on, I just don’t get. Fonts? Web design? From someone who isn’t into the craft, I really need a few perspective shifts before I can appreciate this stuff. But I’m definitely in the out-crowd on this one.
    4. Yes please!
    6. Pick the one where if you taser the clown, you win a free ipad… but seriously. I read most of your stuff on google reader so I would only even see your ad block once in a blue-moon.
    7. “If I were a rich man…”
    8. Yup. I’ve loved browsing the work of the artists you’ve posted.

    Definitely emphasis on more original artwork though. Keep us up to date on personal projects (if you have any). Sorta like the whole “Wisdom and Folly” bit you had going back in the days of yore.

  3. Carrie and Peter, your cookies are on the way. My CD drive will never spin again, but you’ve earned them.

    (In all seriousness, THANK YOU, this is ENORMOUSLY helpful.)

    If you’re reading this and you haven’t offered your two cents yet, please please chime in… I’d benefit more than you know from your thoughts on these subjects.

  4. 1. I enjoy the broad range of topics you comment on, so I would keep that versatility. But you’re also a designer, and I’d love to learn more about design; perhaps using it as a dominant theme/trend? For the ignorant like me: show us what you know!
    3. A good analysis is always worth posting: a few paragraphs on what you thought of a particular film or book or song/album (like you did for Helplessness Blues and Mylo Xyloto) are always welcome.
    4. PLEASE.
    6. If you want. I tend to ignore ’em. But I’m also me, and I hate fun things.
    7. Why not? As a poor student, I can’t say I could buy any, but it’s cool to put your work out there.
    8. Yeah. I find it interesting to see what other people find interesting.
    9. Maybe (see #1). The versatility is half the charm, but you could incorporate a certain structure to it (ie have certain days of the week devoted to certain topics).
    10. See #8.
    11. I for one, get a thrill just thinking OOOOOOOOF you.

  5. Alex, you’re a champ. If I had to pick someone else to keep the breathless charm while I pulled a mule out of a ditch, it might be you.

  6. To me, a craft is the skillful marriage of art and science. Those who master a craft deeply understand both the art and the science of their discipline. I love studying and learning from craftmasters. You are in the process of mastering your craft.

    As you mature and master your craft, I think you could more intentionally bring us into your journey. With this core understanding, you could blog about all of your points … The work you are doing, the thoughts you are thinking, others you are studying, tips and tricks, the “why” behind the “how”, etc.

    You could also sell your work, although I would separate your “shop” from your “studio” to make it clear that you are not simply trying to commercialize a relationship.

    The emergence of mastery is an interesting storyline, and I think yours is a great contribution to the overall genre.

    Hope this helps. I remain a huge fan.

  7. P.S. See the sketchbook of Leonardo Da Vinci and his “Thoughts on Art and Life” for a comparable 15th century artist’s blog. :-). Available for free in iBooks.

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