Category: Notes
Why “Cars 2” broke the Pixar brand (maybe forever)
(Image borrowed from the WSJ article linked within this post.) While I’m talking about expensive brand errors, Disney/Pixar’s Cars 2 doesn’t exactly fit the mold — yet. As the WSJ article reports, merchandise sales of the animated sequel were through the roof before the movie even opened, and I have no reason to even begin…
Bad branding cost Disney $200m on “John Carter”
CNN just reported on Disney’s bad egg, John Carter, which cost $300 million to make and has only returned a third of that to the studio, costing Disney $200 million. Andrew Stanton, the very talented director of not only John Carter but also Finding Nemo and Wall-E, has got to be feeling pretty low right…
Sorry for the weirdness
Hey, if you saw various tweets flashing in and out or have odd things popping up in your RSS reader, sorry about that! I was doing some maintenance here, moving my portfolio and sketchbook to be blog-native and changing the top navigation. (See up there? It’s shiny and re-organized!) Anyway, hope you weren’t inconvenienced. Cheers!
Inventing a word for “mourning the loss of a friendship”
Freundschaftkummer It’s not a real word, but I feel like a mouthy German term — even if I totally made it up — helps me think about things sometimes. It used to be, a few hundred years ago, that you’d be born, grow up, and die in the same town as everyone you knew. Nobody…