Category: Notes
Finding your Hipster Quotient
Friends ask me all the time, “David, am I a hipster? If so, am I too hipster, or just hipster enough to be ironically meta?” I then punch those friends in the face and walk away. But for all of you humans out there who may wonder about your hipsterness, after excessive (and I do…
Traveler returns $10K in lost gambling earnings
Now this is the kind of story you like to see on a Wednesday morning. Good on you, Mitch Gilbert.
What do you call Queen Latifah, informally?
I mean, if you’re referring to her by just one name. Do you call her “Queen” or “Latifah?” I have a few questions concerning this. If you call her Latifah, are you acknowledging her royalty? Do people actually ever call her “your majesty”? If she does go by Latifah, does she fill in forms as…
So, basically, daycare for grown men.
‘Men’s Den’ lets men hide from Christmas shopping. Fail, guys.