Category: Notes
Small, but fun
Just a note — as of recently, this blog has become the home page of my website. Huzzah! Now typing in a simple into your browser will bring you into the full splendor of this glorious festival of amazingness. Aren’t you all agog?
“Wear your learning, like your watch, in a private pocket, and do not pull it out and strike it merely to show you have one. If you are asked what o’clock it is, tell it, but do not proclaim it hourly and unasked, like the watchman.” Good one, Lord Chesterfield.
Antisocial Network
Some friends and I recently agreed that what’s needed on the Internet is an “antisocial network.” This would be a website where you have no friends, share nothing, tag items from across the web as “lame,” “boring,” or “lousy,” and gripe endlessly about any topic you choose in the privacy of your own space. This…
Less waffling, less hand-wringing
The web isn’t permanent. If you shut down your Facebook account for a while, you can always get it back. If you step away from Twitter, it will be there when you return. Quit your Netflix subscription, and they’ll welcome you with open arms when you want to sign up again. I’ve spent a lot…
YES! Good friends just received good news. Congratulations A+C+R.