Category: Notes
I’m thinking about working on a magical realist story called Amerithology. Just one more project to add to the arm-long list of projects that I have rattling around in my brain. Question is, what’s distinctly a part of the American mythology, such as it is? (Both old and modern.) Here’s what I listed in a…
True story
Between high school and college, my dad and I took a trip to Russia. We spent ten days in Moscow and St. Petersburg. While in the latter, we visited a monastery, and our tour guide pointed to a gravestone. “There is the grave of Somebody-or-other,” she said. He was a Russian writer whom I had…
Musings from the Metro
Every single person you see got up this morning, opened a drawer, and decided what to put on. They have places they’re going and things they’re thinking about that have nothing to do with you. We’re all just doing the best we can. — Mini-playlist in my head: Takin’ Care of Business, Bachman Turner Overdrive…
My new plan to make a fortune
Vampire Cupcakes. I don’t know how, but this idea will make millions. At least until these two silly fads are over.