Category: Notes
Every choice is a sacrifice.
Whenever you make a choice, you are elevating one thing at the expense of another. If I decide to work an extra hour of freelance rather than go to the gym in the morning, I am making a value statement: $ + experience > health (in this case). And at times, that’s a fair trade-off.…
The trouble with Narnia
Another Narnia movie is coming, so it’s time for a quick gripe about the movies Walden has been churning out. I’m sorry if you disagree, but I have to say that these have been pretty darn disappointingly awful. The problem is this: they’re trying to make Narnia another Lord of the Rings franchise, but for…
Have you seen the ads for Disney’s new movie? It’s called PROM. … Really, Disney? Really? REALLY? (Also on the REALLY list, I would like to add the following: The Beaver ……Really, Mel Gibson? Red Riding Hood ……Really, Twilight-imbibing supernatural romance thriller-crazed tweens? Cars 2 …..Really, Pixar?)
Band names
I joke around a lot about “I was in a band named…” But tonight, my sister-in-law and I decided to truly start a band just so that we could use the name. And we are planting our flag in it right now. We are…
Aaaaaaaaand we’re back.
You didn’t know we were gone, did you? That’s okay, neither did I! Had some weirdness with my blog over the past week or two, and posts haven’t been coming in on folks’ RSS readers. That’s okay, because I think I have all of four subscribers and three of them are Russian phone card salesbots.…