Category: Notes
A little more war, please.
I haven’t played video games in years. Not really. But this year, at a hint from my rockstar wife, my family bought me the one video game I really wanted to play: Starcraft II. It involves guys like this, wearing space-age, over-the-top battle armor like this, carrying huge guns like this, ripping their way through…
Art & God learning group in Arlington
Within the next few weeks, I’m hoping to start a learning group (call it a topical study group if you want) about art, how it relates to God, and vice versa. Throw in a healthy mix of questions about the nature of art, its role in relation to society, the church, the city, and the…
Today’s life lesson
Don’t search for “pig” on Google images. You will come up with some of the most disturbing images ever provided by a seemingly innocuous search term. (You’re going to try it now, aren’t you? Well, don’t. And if you do, don’t go blaming me.)
The Artisphere is here!
If you live in or around Arlington, VA and like art, I highly recommend checking out the Artisphere, the new performance/gallery/artist-hangout-space in Rosslyn. (That’s just across from Georgetown, for those of my friends who don’t know Ballston from Clarendon.) It officially opened to the public this weekend, and my amazing wife and I checked it…
CNN article about Christian Hipsters
This describes a good number of the people in my church… we definitely have a mild case of the hipsters. Interesting, though, that its take isn’t as negative as you’d think.