Category: Notes
101 posts
Just noting… that last post I put up was my 100th on this blog. We’ll be having cake in the conference room at 1:00; feel free to sign the card.
Picasso walked into a bar…
My hilarious coworker started us off on these, and here’s where we wound up: Picasso walked into a bar. The bartender said, “What’ll ya have, buddy?” Picasso said, “I’ll just have a mritain.” Picasso and VanGogh walked into a bar. The bartender said, “What’ll you two guys have?” VanGogh said, “What?” Duchamp walked into a…
This makes me legit, right?
My headphones have been breaking for a while now. Not the actual audio, just the physical part… the left ear has come completely off the band. I can sorta tenuously hold it on with the miracle of tension, but if I shift it slightly (like to listen to my stunning wife), it falls to the…
Commenting is so 2002
I’ve added a Facebook “Like” button to this here blog. If you think something is cool, now you don’t have to go to all the laborious work of clicking “Comment,” coming up with a comment, and commenting. You can just “Like.” Isn’t that much better? If yes, click below. //EDIT: See? I knew it.
This is cool. Mrs. Smrvl discovered a new website called Pinterest, which I’d say is something like the really good parts of Flickr and Twitter mashed together. You’ll have to check it out in person to see exactly how it works, but essentially you post up images (a la Flickr) from the internet or your…