Category: Notes
Thank you, Herman.
Sometimes, in our age of Twitter, Facebook, and How-Many-Comments-Do-I-Have-NOW, it’s easy to feel tragically under-appreciated by a lack of awe and adoration poured at your feet in terms of follows, likes, trackbacks and comment counts. That’s why I’m very grateful for the following thoughts by Herman Melville, written to Nathaniel Hawthorne within days of Moby-Dick‘s…
Adding a little chaos
Our elevator has a placard in which the management often puts sheets of printer paper with announcements. On one elevator trip, I noticed it was empty. Yesterday, somebody put this into the empty place: Sadly, it was gone before the day was out. Either someone hadn’t seen The Princess Bride and was concerned it was…
Jackson to direct Hobbits after all
Now this is cool. Normally, this wouldn’t make it to this blog (since it ain’t a news source, after all), but since I already posted about Del Toro pulling out of directing the two-part Hobbit movie, it’s only fair that I close the loop and share this. Looks like Peter Jackson is going to direct…
The tenebrist gospel
This from Jerry Bridges: For it is only against the dark backdrop of our sinfulness that we can see the glory of the cross shining forth in all its brilliance and splendor. Praying today that God would let me see the chiaroscuro cross.
A way to keep on squinting at a screen and compulsively checking your email, even when with friends or outside on a beautiful day. No thanks.