Category: Notes
The pace of change
Is the world really changing all around us? The other week I wrote something in which I said our grandchildren will expect the world to constantly re-make itself around them … but now I’m wondering if that’s really the case. Maybe we just need to take a step back and look at the bigger picture.…
Songs that light up the creative part of your brain
For me, “Fools,” by the Dodos starts playing, and my brain feels like a Christmas tree that just got plugged in. My heart pounds a little faster, and I feel focused, and the ideas start flowing. I don’t know why … I’m sure a musician would have a better idea than I do. (Musicians? Any…
Airplane rantings
I was on a plane four times this weekend. For anyone who knows me, this means I had a dangerous amount of time to think and write about abstract things. I make no apologies for the jabber below, except that I was writing for myself, so if it isn’t clear, it’s because I was using…
You know what would be great?
A “sort swatches by color/brightness” option in InDesign and other CS products — where it would automatically reorganize your swatches into a ROYGBIV palette or from bright to dark.
Rest in peace, Ray Bradbury
I don’t have a lot of heroes. I’m a fairly cynical person, and there are a very small number of people who I really, deeply admire. Ray Bradbury was one of my heroes. He died last night at the age of 91, and losing him feels like losing part of my chest and jaw and…