Category: Sketchbook
I wrestle with creative questions through comics
I’ve done it before … and today I’m doing it again. (View larger.) Any insights into this problem urgently & eagerly desired. I’m posting this here because I want help thinking through it.
We do not fear the Failure Monster
We’re in the middle of a massive site launch at work. Crazy things happen when a bunch of nerds are really busy. The Failure Monster (pictured above) is one such crazy thing. But we do not fear it. We laugh at its paper fangs.
My SOPA/PIPA letter
Dear [Congressman], I urge you to vote no on PIPA. As a developing artist who relies upon the freedom and creativity of the Internet to prosper, I cannot emphasize enough the damaging effect this bill would have upon myself and others of my profession. We have to believe that censorship and unilateralism is not the…
Four ways to look at the world
I’m reading the very thought-provoking Ishmael at the moment. This kind of book always makes me want to invent/define terms. Here are four that are fun to play with. Personally, I’m a narrative exocentrist.